Rugby Drinking Game

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Requires: Five or more players, a table or floor large enough to seat everyone in a single ring such that everyone can see everyone else, ample beer.

To start the game: Whoever organized the game "catches the kickoff" by reaching up into the air, catching a pantomime rugby ball, and "throwing" it two-handed to an arbitrary player. That person now "has the ball."

When you have the ball you must pass it off before someone can tackle you:
To pass the ball to the player immediately to your left, stick out your left elbow.
To pass the ball to the player immediately to your right, stick out your right elbow.
To pass the ball to the player two to your left, keep your left elbow close in to your body and slap your left upper arm with your right hand.
To pass the ball to the player two to your right, keep your right elbow close in to your body and slap your right upper arm with your left hand.
To tackle someone, square your shoulders to them and make a large 'X' with your forearms.

When does a player drink:
When a player makes a badly ambiguous pass.
When a player is tackled while carrying the ball.
When a player tackles someone who is not carrying the ball.

If there is a dispute -- especially in the case where a player passes the ball just as he is being tackled -- the kangaroo court (all players not directly involved) decide by acclamation. Making both players drink is a popular way to resolve a tough call.

The player who drinks catches the next kickoff.